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Well I decided to do some more hiking today. My classes start soon and I will be busy with studying and homework. I might as well get in as much mother nature as possible. Southern Utah is a very beautiful area. There is so much to do outside.

I wondered if this was a mountain lion den. What do you think? I was not going back in there today.

mountain lion den

Here are some more pictures.

IMG_0581 IMG_0588 IMG_0589 IMG_0590 IMG_0591 IMG_0596 trail looking down at creek

Today I went hiking and saw someone, or something, staring at me when I rounded the trail. At first I did not see him, or her, but turning my head quickly I got him, or her, out of the corner of my eye. From then on I did not lose track of him, or her or it. What was it? Who was it? Its eyes never left me. I felt them staring down to my bones.

I snapped a picture it him, or her. Can you see that face staring at the trail?

face in rock

How about now with this close up picture? I got chills just standing this close to this eery face in the rocks! What an evil grin!

face in rock close up