Well I decided to do some more hiking today. My classes start soon and I will be busy with studying and homework. I might as well get in as much mother nature as possible. Southern Utah is a very beautiful area. There is so much to do outside.

I wondered if this was a mountain lion den. What do you think? I was not going back in there today.

mountain lion den

Here are some more pictures.

IMG_0581 IMG_0588 IMG_0589 IMG_0590 IMG_0591 IMG_0596 trail looking down at creek

Today I went hiking and saw someone, or something, staring at me when I rounded the trail. At first I did not see him, or her, but turning my head quickly I got him, or her, out of the corner of my eye. From then on I did not lose track of him, or her or it. What was it? Who was it? Its eyes never left me. I felt them staring down to my bones.

I snapped a picture it him, or her. Can you see that face staring at the trail?

face in rock

How about now with this close up picture? I got chills just standing this close to this eery face in the rocks! What an evil grin!

face in rock close up


Well I went north again into the snow to be with family for the Christmas holiday. School work has been keeping me busy.

I got to see Antelope Island today near Salt Lake City. It was cold but very beautiful. Lots of birds and bison. Yep … BISON. At one point this Bison was very close outside the SUV window just eye balling me. Then he walked right in front of the SUV.

Spooky Antelope Island 1 Antelope Island 2 Antelope Island 3 Bison Eyeballing Me Bison Very Close Bison

I decided to head north to visit some family for Thanksgiving. I ran in to an old arch nemesis. Old Man Winter! Yes. Snow. I knew it would be there yet I still did not want to see it. Well at least I’ll get some good food, fun and entertainment out of this trip.

Winter1 Winter2

The campground I found is very nice. I plan to stay for a few months. It’s about 15 minutes from the city and very quiet. It also has very fast Internet service and free cable. There are lots of hiking areas to explore nearby. I purchased a local map with all the trails.

Here are a couple pictures of the campground.

Campground Campground View 1 Campground View 2


I was on my way to the FedEx facility and I found this nice spot overlooking the City of St. George, Utah. It’s nestled in the colorful hills. Very beautiful view. I was picking up some books for my upcoming classes.

City View

I arrived in Southern Utah near the city of St George. This seems to be a very nice area. Lots of red/orange dirt. A storm was rolling in to the area when I arrived. Not very welcoming. This area is supposed to have a moderate winter climate. I am thinking about staying here over the winter. We’ll see. I plan to do some driving around tomorrow and check out the areas. I have been told there is a lot do do and see int he area.

Utah1 Utah2 Utah3

I stopped in Tombstone, Arizona, today. I thought I would see the famous wild west town. It was mostly a disappointment. It was just too touristy for me. It was funny to see that even back in the 1880’s they were trying to vote against higher taxes. I did see the smallest post office ever. I kept thinking about the giant waste of money beastly post office we have now. Oh the simpler times of years past.

I went to Boot Hill graveyard. Again very touristy. Here were a couple of interesting notes on some grave markers at boot hill:
“John Heath Taken From County Jail & Lynched by Bisbee Mob”
“Hanged by Mistake. He was right we was wrong”

Street O K Corral Silver Nugget Bed And Breakfast Tiny Post Office Vote No On Higher Taxes Hangings graves Billy Clanton

I went to the Chiracahua National Monument today. It was different. Driving through mostly arid, desert land to get there then you see the green trees in the distance. Like a little oasis. There had been some type of brush or forest fire go through recently. It was amazing how the fire appeared to run in straight lines. The hiking warning sigh was interesting. It said cougars, black bears, rattlesnakes, cactus and cliffs can be hazards. I did some a lot of animal scat all over. Looked like it had seeds or berries in it. Could it be bear scat maybe? There were some interesting rock formations. There was also a rundown ranch.

Forest Fire Hiking Warning Bear Scat Maybe Rock Formations Rundown Ranch Park Roads